
This volume consists of three parts: a printed volume containing the abstracts to all 19 contributions; the contributions in HTML format suitable for viewing with a web browser; and the contributions in Acrobat (PDF) format, suitable for printing.

When inserted on a Windows operating system computer, the CD will automatically load, on all other platforms the Start.html file provides acess the the CD's contents.

Copyright for each contribution is shared between the Journal and the relevant authors, however all requests for re-use should be sent soley to the authors.

Printed Version:

The printed version simply contains the abstracts to all of the contributions, plus the biographical information about Win Means.

HTML Version:

For the CD version we have had to write the digital contributions onto two CDs, so only half of them are immediately accessible from the table of contents. You will be warned if you need to change CD to view a particular link.
You can get back to the front page of most contributions by clicking on the button, and from there you can always get return to the Table of Contents page by clicking on the button.

Direct access to any page on each CD may be accessed via the Link Index that lists all pages in the volume, and also by the hierarchical Site Map.

In order to make full use of these CDs you will need a Web browser, the Adobe Acrobat Reader, and the ability to play QuickTime movies.

You can search the entire text of the CD using the Search Engine.

As some of the authors provided their contributions pre-formatted in html, we were saved that task, and we have only made minor changes to these works. Contributions provided in other formats have been converted into a standard format.

PDF Version:

The PDF format files are found on CD 1, only contain image thumbnails and do not include movies, however they do have a comprehensive index.

You can get back to the front page of most contributions by clicking on the button, and from there you can always get return to the Table of Contents page by clicking on the button.