Ree, J.-H. 2000. Grain Boundary Sliding In Experimental Deformation Of Octachloropropane. In: Stress, Strain and Structure,
A volume in honour of W D Means. Eds: M.W. Jessell and J.L.Urai. Volume 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer.

Grain Boundary Sliding In Experimental Deformation Of Octachloropropane


Jin-Han Ree

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University

Anam-dong 5-1, Seongbuk-ku, Seoul 136-701, Korea,

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. Grain Boundary Sliding
3. Accommodation Mechanisms for Grain Boundary Sliding
4. Experimental Examples
5. Evolution and Implications of Grain Boundary Sliding
6. Recognition of Grain Boundary Sliding
7. References

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