Hobbs, B.E. , Mühlhaus, H-B., Ord, A., Zhang, Y. and Moresi, L. 2000. Fold Geometry and Constitutive Behaviour. In: Stress, Strain and Structure,
A volume in honour of W D Means. Eds: M.W. Jessell and J.L.Urai. Volume 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer.

Fold Geometry and Constitutive Behaviour


B.E. Hobbs1, H-B. Mühlhaus2, A. Ord2, Y. Zhang2 and L. Moresi2

Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research Centre,

CSIRO Exploration and Mining,

1 Private Mail Bag 5, Wembley, 6913, Australia
2 P.O. Box 437, Nedlands, 6009, Australia

Table of contents

1 Motivation for this Paper:
    1.1 The Issue
    1.2 The Problem
2: Rheology
3: Fold Growth In Elastoviscous Materials
4: Fold Growth In More Exotic Materials
5: Discussion and Conclusions
6: References

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