Jessell, M.W. & Bons, P.D. 2000. VIEPS/Mainz Microstructure Course. In: Stress, Strain and Structure, A volume in honour of W D Means.
Eds: M.W. Jessell and J.L.Urai. Volume 2, Journal of the Virtual Explorer.
VIEPS/Mainz Deformation Microstructures Course
Fig 01     

This page contains the links to all the course related information available for the 2000 VIEPS/Mainz short course presented by Mark Jessell at the Department of Earth Sciences, Monash University, Australia & Paul Bons at Institut für Geowissenschaften - Tektonophysik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany. Many of the pictures used in Lectures 1 & 2 of this course were graciously donated by Patrice Rey, the dislocation movie comes from Renée Heilbronner, the TEM dislocation pictures come from Alice Post, and the analogue movies are courtesy of Youngdo Park, Jin-Han Ree, Win Means, & Coen ten Brink. Each year the course gets modified, and the web address of the current version of this site is

Lecture Notes

Laboratory Exercises




Viewing the movies in these course notes

There are many animations and movies strewn through these course notes, all in QuickTime or animated gif formats. This means your browser must be capable of viewing the movies, either in situ or in separate windows. All movies are surrounded by a blue frame

Who is this course for, and how should it be used?

This course is aimed at a first year graduate level or a senior undergraduate level, but it really depends how much geology, structural geology and materials science you have already done.

Anyone that wants to make use of any or all of this course is free to do so in any non-commercial way they like. You will find that the written explanation of many pictures is very limited, which means either you need to use this course in conjunction with a real live lecturer, or go and buy a good book, or preferably both. We use the course as the basis for our lectures, and in fact we started building a web based course simply because it was a good way of cataloguing all the pictures and movies we wanted to show our students.

For the labs, we provide pictures of thin sections, however the real things are much more informative.

All course notes Copyright M Jessell, P Bons & P Rey 1997,1998,1999,2000 but may be used freely. Materials borrowed with permission from other sources remain copyright of their respective owners.